Skid Mounted Incinerators

Skid Mounted Incinerators Are Ideal for Easy Shipping and are Mobile Once on Site. Added Protection is also a Benefit. Various Lengths & Specs Available.

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Inciner8 Incinerators and incineration

Our latest range of large portable incinerators lend themselves to a variety of uses in waste management. Whether it is for shared facilities, camps, farms or even for disease control in remote areas.

Trailer Mounted Incinerator

What are the Benefits of a Skid Mounted Incinerator?

Skid mounts are readily available and highly specified – therefore there is plenty of additional space to carry extra items. Simply put, the machinery at point of manufacture is permanently mounted in a frame or onto rails or a metal pallet.

  • Standardised Size for Shipping
  • Added Protection During Transit
  • Clear Operational footprint
  • Modular Design for Easy Integration
  • Rigid & Level Framework

Call +44 1704 884020 for more information on skid mounted incinerators

What is a 'Skid Mount'?

A skid mount is a method use to distribute and store machinery. The machinery is permanently mounted at the point of manufacture. Typically, it will be mounted onto rails, a metal pallet or in a frame. This makes the machinery ready for easy transportation.

trailer mounted drug incinerator

Our skid mount incinerators are exclusively used for our larger model incinerators such as the i8-700. If you wanted a large portable incinerator, we would recommend that you use a skid mount.

The skid mount is also designed in a way that allows it to carry the incinerator and any other extra equipment, including fuel tanks and generators.

Why use a skid mounted incinerator?

Skid mounted systems are really useful to keep all the ancillary equipment close to the incinerator. They also allow the system to be moved if needed to a new location without additional strengthening.

Only used for our larger incinerators and certain pollution control systems.