Refugee camp incinerators

We work with some of the world’s largest humanitarian and aid agencies and pride ourselves on the collaborative approach towards the waste challenges associated with vulnerable communities.

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Inciner8 Incinerators and incineration

In a world where we see people displaced because of war, famine, economics and persecution, their waste requirements are often overlooked.

Addressing camp waste issues not only cleans up rubbish, but reduces the risk of disease and infection.
general waste generator

Even in the most demanding of situations, waste processing should be first on the list

“If solid waste is not dealt with quickly, serious health risks will develop which will further demoralize the community already traumatized by the emergency.”
World Health Organisation

We are experienced in dealing with most of the major NGOs and charitable organisations and their waste challenges and have sold and commisioned 1000’s of machines since we started back in 2004. Our commitment to providing quality products that are affordable, easy to setup and reliable is one of the main reasons these global organisations come back to us year after year.

If you are new to the process of procuring an incinerator for use by a charity or NGO then please read our incinerators for charities & NGO’s page.

More information about Ebola waste management >

Call +44 1704 884020 for more information on any of our Refugee Camp & Disaster products

Popular with humanitarian organisations

Our medium and larger incinerators can be fitted with heat exchangers (for hot water, hot air) – this offsets some of the energy required for combustion into new energy streams.

Typical waste generated from refugee and temporary disaster sites is usually considered as MSW (Municipal Solid Waste) – which comprises typically of food waste, wood, platics, cardboard and paper. All of which are safe to incinerate (see “What you can/cannot incinerate?”).

Our collaborative approach means we will understand yours and the projects needs before looking at which products will work best in the scenario.

Over the many years we have worked in this sector our team has developed a solid understanding of the challenges faced in some of the most remote and difficult environments on earth.

United Nations Supplier – No. 150089

Foreign & Commenwealth Office Supplier – No. 82783

Nato Commercial & Government Entity (NCAGE) – No. KD2R3

D-U-N-S @ – No. 736053567

general waste incinerator

Even in the most demanding of situations, waste processing should be first on the list

“If solid waste is not dealt with quickly, serious health risks will develop which will further demoralize the community already traumatized by the emergency.”
World Health Organisation


We are experienced in dealing with most of the major NGOs and charitable organisations and their waste challenges and have sold and commisioned 1000’s of machines since we started back in 2004. Our commitment to providing quality products that are affordable, easy to setup and reliable is one of the main reasons these global organisations come back to us year after year.

If you are new to the process of procuring an incinerator for use by a charity or NGO then please read our incinerators for charities & NGO’s page.

More information about Ebola waste management >